Posted on : Dec.6,2019 15:55 KST Modified on : Dec.6,2019 21:59 KST

South Korean President Moon Jae-in greets Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi at the Blue House on Dec. 5. (Kim Jung-hyo, staff photographer)

S. Korean president meets with Chinese foreign minister, invites Xi to visit S. Korea next year

South Korean President Moon Jae-in greets Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi at the Blue House on Dec. 5. (Kim Jung-hyo, staff photographer)

During a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi on Dec. 5, South Korean President Moon Jae-in requested China’s interest and support toward pushing the Korean Peninsula into a new era of peace, an era without nuclear weapons. Moon also invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to pay a visit to South Korea early next year. Xi hasn’t been to the country since 2014.

While hosting Wang at the Blue House on Thursday, Moon said, “At the moment, our efforts to achieve the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establish lasting peace stand at a major crossroads.” Moon stressed the need for China’s cooperation in Korean Peninsula affairs, amid growing concerns about stalled negotiations between North Korea and the US. “Through close dialogue and cooperation, our two countries have the strength to bring stability to Northeast Asian security and overcome uncertainty in the global economy together,” the South Korean president added.

“The president explained the three principles for peace and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula ― namely, the unacceptability of war, mutual security, and joint prosperity ― and asked for the interest and support of the Chinese in regard to a proposal to turn the DMZ into an international peace zone,” said Blue House Spokesperson Ko Min-jung in a press briefing.

Wang responded that the Chinese would “keep playing a constructive role in maintaining momentum for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and a peaceful solution despite the recent difficulties in Korean Peninsula affairs.”

South Korea and China have reportedly come to an understanding about Moon and Xi holding a summit alongside a trilateral summit with the leader of Japan to be held in China at the end of this month, and about Xi making a state visit to South Korea early next year.

“President Moon said he expects a state visit by President Xi to be an opportunity for further reinforcing our two countries’ strategic cooperative partnership,” Ko said.

Moon reportedly asked Wang to send his regards to Xi. “While it was unfortunate that the delay of the APEC meeting last month prevented us from meeting, I look forward to meeting again soon,” he said.

“We must fully prepare for President Moon’s visit to China this month in order to pursue not only the development of our bilateral relations but also trilateral cooperation with Japan,” Wang said.

“In the realm of geopolitics, we currently face the threats of unilateralism and power politics. As neighbors, our two countries need to strengthen cooperation and dialogue in a timely fashion so as to better defend free trade and the rules-based international order,” Wang told Moon. The implicit message is that South Korea and China ought to cooperate amid the US and China’s trade dispute and hegemonic rivalry in order to counter the Trump administration’s unilateralism and protectionism.

By Park Min-hee and Seong Yeon-cheol, staff reporter

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